Monday, February 3, 2014

My Dear Apologies.

I can't believe I was too lazy to blog for the last two days!

Sorry. Sorry, sorry.

I would say It's not going to happen again! except for the fact that is will happen again, so yeah.

But let's get this over with.

Paint drips for the month!!

So download it from here or from my Paintdrips Wallpapers page! Whichever floats your boat.

Lately I've been practicing my acting without even thinking about it. If I need to act cool around some guy, I'll do it flawlessly. If I need to pretend that I put money in someone's backpack (to pay them back for something that they don't want to be paid back for), then I'll pretend that I did it, but subtly, and make sure they find the money later. (Whew.) (hehe.)  And, if I need to act confident, I'll do it.


I am seriously really amazed at how good I'm getting. (But of course, if I would have to factor in a bunch of TVs and cameras and half the world watching, then of course I'd get a lot worse, but DON'T REMIND ME AT THE MOMENT T___T)

So yeah, anyways, I hope my acting/confidence/talking-to-people skills will further improve.

Ttyl. (Does anyone even say that anymore?)

Smile! (:

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