Saturday, January 4, 2014

I want to build a snowman

I just got home from watching the movie Frozen with my bro and sis. It was great -- the visuals were amazing, the music was really good, but the, the storyline.

Okay, where Elsa's ice powers (and by the way, SPOILERS if you haven't watched this movie yet. haha sorry anyways) come from? Why did the parent/king/queen people have to leave so urgently? And their deaths was pretty cliche, and there wasn't even much detail about their deaths to make it not cliche. And wouldn't the kingdom's subjects take more care to ensure that the king and queen did not die on a measly little boat? And what's with the trolls' "love expertise"? Couldn't they have given more details about what they apparently foresaw in the future than sing a song? And by the way, I loved the Hans dude. He was my favorite character, although they made him seem like the 100% evil guy who is always present in little-kid movies. Look here, movie makers. The thing is, people are never going to be 100% good or evil, which they always seem to be in PG rated movies. And yes, they try not to make it seem like that by giving them alibis and sob stories to make them seem poor and helpless and misguided, but sometimes antagonists aren't really like that. Maybe they just want a new girlfriend.

The plot could go a bit more in depth. And that's always my own problem when writing my stories -- deep, unpredictable plots and fleshy, realistic characters and reasonable subplots. Mix it all together and you get something that I would really enjoy.

Try harder next time, Disney.

But I understand that Frozen is a kid's movie (hence the PG) so the thing can't be too complicated...but you get the drift, right? And I love sitting in a dark movie theater in the first place, so that made it all better anyways.

You can never know, with me. (: I give it a 7/10.

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