I know what you're thinking -- Eww, Tara doesn't shower at all! Wow, she's so gross I don't ever want to be near her. Like, ever.
Well, tell you what, sometimes I don't shower for several days. Simply because it takes too much time. Too cold. Too much else to do. Too boring. So, dear community, I apologize dearly for wasting about half an hour needing to put water and soap and more water and more and more soap stuff on myself to clean. And I have really long hair, too. So that doubles the amount of time an average person who's in a rush would take. And plus the water is just soo warm.....and cozy...and I want to stay in it FOREVER and THAT'S THE PROBLEM, THERE, FOLKS. Too warm. Too cozy. Too tempting to just stand in there and SLEEP.
I'm the kind of person who hates idleness. I've been noticing this quality of mine acting up a lot recently. I haven't eaten a single meal without simultaneously reading a book. I've been reading books while sitting in cars for the past twenty years. And if I'm in class, and there's nothing to do? Heck, I'm reading, writing, or drawing up a storm.
And when I'm not filling my time doing something "useful", or giving my brain something to think about, I feel really twitchy and panicky and eugh it doesn't feel too good. If my hands don't have anything to do on the five minute car ride home, I'm aware of that fact for the rest of the day. So excuse me for braiding my hair while being given a lecture in History class. It counts as multitasking. I can listen to you while doing other stuff, you know.
Doing nothing kind of scares me. To me, there's no such thing as sitting back and relaxing unless I'm 1) reading 2) writing 3) drawing 4) crocheting (but while reading, because my eyes don't have anything to do and my brain doesn't either) 5) browsing Tumblr 6) sleeeeeeeeeeping (ooh I love sleeping let's save that topic for another day :3) and YEAH et cetera, et cetera.
I really should sleep now. I just spent the last hour crocheting. I'm suuuch a procrastinator. Probably not as bad as other people. But still. That's a problem I need to fix.
Talk to ya laterz! Tara signing off.
Smile! :)
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