Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sometimes I just want to sit outside with someone and talk all night

I love people. People are awesome. But at the same time, I dislike people. They're so complicated. And different. And strange. And unique. And nice. And very very unique.

Talking to people, expressing feelings -- it makes me feel "warm and fuzzy" (Seriously, where did that term come from?) But warm and fuzzy is a very good feeling, in my opinion.

Today I feel like I've talked to a lot of people I like, and talked about subjects that I like. Fun. :D It's really amazing how wonderful you can feel just joking around with people, being sarcastic with others, flirting, etc. (Okay, maybe that list is just for me :P) But you get the idea, right? If you're really sad about something, many people are just going to be like, "Oh, just ignore it," "It will get better," "It's going to be alright." But the thing is, sometimes it might not get better too soon, and it might not be alright at the moment. And maybe ignoring the problem will only stress you more. But really, take my advice. Do something you enjoy. Seriously. (Unless you don't have much that you enjoy, in which case I feel sorry for you because I recommend that you have an activity that you enjoy, whether it be singing or dancing or browsing Tumblr.)


So currently I'm looking for good Roleplays that I can join on Tumblr. I've heard that they'll give me a lot of writing inspirations and whatnot.


Smile! (:

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