Dream jobs

Hi. I'm not sure if "professions" is the word, but here lies this page. This is a list (in no particular order) of what I might want to devote my life to. And of course, I know for a fact that many people say it's not necessary to choose a "job" and stick with it forever, but I want to know. So that I can follow through with plenty of time to spare in case I want to switch. I wonder if I can pick more than one....haha....hmmm...but you can never know, with me.

1. Author.

This is one of my favorites. I've been writing narratives and essays and winning spelling bees (yeah...) since fourth grade, and have always been eager to write novels that will effect others the way they've effected me. (effect or affect??) And writing has never, ever let me down. Or, I should say, I've never been let down with writing. I'm writing this blog, now, aren't I?

2. Actress.

You've seen all those people on the "big screens", right? The way they are so confident under those cameras and people watching them 24/7. And plus, acting is fun. Pretending to be someone I'm not? Pretty much a master at that already. Acting isn't just a thing, it's a skill. I want to have that skill. Although I'm not that good under pressure....hmmm. But acting is like public speaking, and being natural. I can manage that...right?

The super-small class plays that I have participated in were always really fun and interesting experiences for me, since I appear to be the only one actually inputting some effort into the project to make it appealing to the audience. I <3 acting

3. Musician.

Duuuuuuude. I can play piano, violin, cello, guitar, recorder (although that takes about two minutes to learn), harmonica (although that takes one minute to learn), and alto saxophone. And although I don't own a cello or a sax, I've been taught, and I've watched plenty of people utilize them and bend those soundwaves to make music to my ears. Personally, piano and cello and sax are my favs. Music is extremely influential to many many many people. Including me. (:

4. Teacher.

I LOVE my teachers. All of them. Every single one of them. (Unless they're jerks who only teach stuff out of a book.)(Okay, fine, maybe not jerks. But I hate underpaid teachers.)(Okay, fine, maybe not underpaid. Just not as effort-ful as several other teachers I can name.) I believe it would be the best experience ever to come to a classroom, eager to teach instead of learn. Plus, we get to meet cool kids. But speaking in front of crowds on a whim...I need to get used to that.

5. Painter.

Although I've never painted a legit piece of artwork, painting is one of the most relaxing and exhilarating (at the same time) things that I have ever done. I painted a bee bank in woodshop, and it came out pretty strange looking, but the painting part was one of the most exciting parts of making that project, I suppose. It's like, there's nothing to think about except for "stroke, stroke, stroke", because if you get off then you mess up. IT'S LIKE THE BEST FORM OF MEDITATION THERE IS.

6. Fashion Designer.

I love having good-looking-and-fitting-together outfits. It just makes me feel really happy. It would be great to make other people look great by thinking of clothes that look great. :D

7. Woodworker

I have taken Woodshop in middle school for a total of two trimesters, and am in the midst of taking two more. That's several months' works of effort, dude. It is, by far, one of my favorite electives, ever, because it involves so many different things: action (not passive studying), moving around, using magic tools to create awesome-looking things, and of course trustworthiness and responsibility. The woodshop teacher is the best I could possibly ask for. (:

Last edited December 22, 2013.

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