Friday, December 27, 2013

Contributions to the world?

Do I need to post anything else besides my own thoughtless thoughts on this blog?

I'm a crocheter. Maybe I could post all of my crocheting accomplishments. (There are many.) Or, I could post some of my writing. (Or not.) How about tips on being successful? (But my tips probably aren't worth much...haha) Maybe I could do tips for surviving middle school? I am an eighth grader. Maybe some lonesome (or bored) sixth grader is in need of help. (Although no two middle school are the I couldn't really help much...) Or maybe guy advice. (To be honest, I'm still lost in that area of study.) Gossip? (Ew. Ew. No thanks.)

HOW. ABOUT. "How to achieve your dreams."

To be honest, I am really lost in that area of expertise. See, nearly 99% of all famous peoples have started doing their thing when they were children. Look at all those child actors, painters my age who I am sure will become extremely successful, and even my brother who is in fifth grade and can memorize the Periodic Table of Elements from head to toe, backwards, along with qualities of every element; and don't even forget all my friends who are masters at violin or cello or saxophone when all I can really do is piano (which can get really boring to hear), and don't even mention those who can make clothes from scratch (at my age), sing in front of large audiences with positive outcomes (at my age), and...I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I.

The point is that, I'm not sure if I, as in this one small person in the world, can do anything to feel appreciated and liked among peers. I'm supposing that all the people that I look up to today have always had it easy. And they probably haven't. So I'm going to work harder.


And I shouldn't even think about anyone else. I need to focus on what I'm good at first (which may take awhile). And the same goes for you, too. Pretend that the world revolves around you (but not for too long) and do what you can do to make things better.

You can never know, with me. (;

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