Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Taking over the world on Christmas Eve

I've just spent an hour or two crocheting while watching Kim Possible episodes. In case you don't know what that is, it's a cartoon with a girl and her sidekick who flawlessly save the world a countless number of times, and I loved watching it when I was about 6. Now that I look back, the idea of "saving the world" is so blunt that I can't even imagine trying to do anything that Kim Possible has ever done, needless to say there's the fact that nothing that ever happens to her will happen to me (ie: stopping a strange old lady from turning grown men and women into babies; creating a website advertising that I can do anything and thus gaining customers who will ask a little girl like me to save their lives as opposed to grown policemen).

The definition of "evil" has grown so much over the years, or even days, so much so that there will never be a single person able to defeat all the evils that have infested the planet. *Sigh.* I've always dreamed of being some sort of secret agent, spy, or superhero person that will, simply out of the good of my heart, stop crime and save what is important to me. Too bad my dreams have long since become unfeasible. But cartoons are still fun to watch, right?

And the same goes for every secret agent or superhero movie I've ever watched. Nothing will ever happen like it does in a book or in the movies. (Aww.) But we can try, right?

In some places, it's probably already Christmas. But whatever. Merry Christmas. Kim Posible was such a waste of my life. But I still love her for creating such strong dreams. <3

You can never know, with me.

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