Saturday, December 21, 2013

options options

So I posted that first post several minutes ago, and now it's past midnight of the next day (which is this day) (meaning today) (and don't worry, I don't do "bad things" at night or anything like that, I just have a lot to do). I just got impatient and felt that you should hear more about my life.

I don't know what to do with my life.

I know (and my friends know) from experience that I have a really tough time making decisions and such, whether it's what to eat for lunch or whether or not I should bring my textbook to class. Things that feel so simple just aren't! I don't know if you know what I mean, but you know what I mean? It's like, what if blah blah blah happens, and then it could have been prevented if I had made that one choice differently?

Continuing this further, since I am a young child (I wish), people always ask, and I hate it when they ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up??" My response would like to be, "I don't F***ing care. Go away." But of course, that would be considered rude. In my mind, I try to find an honest answer. But really, I'm not sure I'll ever find one.

I even have an endless list of options. In no particular order. And an endless list of reasons for said options.

You can never know, with me. (:

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