Saturday, January 11, 2014

I went to OCSA today

Hey! Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I just forgot! Too much to do.

By the way, I am now fourteen. I didn't post this earlier because, well, for some reason it is not safe to put your "real" birthday on the web. My parents act like it's the equivalent of putting a picture of my butt on the internet, so I'll just trust their judgement for now. So yay! I'm a year older. I don't feel older. My birthday wasn't that interesting...and I got as many presents as I had gotten on Christmas (one, and I got a pair of shoes) but no worries! I've written several parts of my stories to suffice.

I went to OCSA today. (Orange County School of Arts) And don't be surprised that I have a lot to say on the subject. It was always one of my favorite/dream schools.

1) The buildings' exteriors and interiors are beautiful, the campus is large and tall and accommodating to me. For some reason I've always dreamed of going to a Hogwarts-like school with numerous hallways and wonderful landscapes and beautiful architecture. (Thanks, books) However I've learned that I will probably never go to a school like that. OCSA is the closest I can get. I've always wished I could explore places that I practically lived in and such. (Sigh)

2) "Rigorous" is a word that I've heard more than once today to describe the Academic program alone. I've been told that there are three blocks of academics per day, which translates to "what you're learning that other people in other schools would learn is so hard and tedious that the best you can do to survive is by taking three classes per day with an extra pocket of time for extra studying, and don't even mention your specialized Conservatories, because we want to create an educational experience that will be supremely beneficial in the long run because OCSA is one of the top schools in the nation!" in my head.

3) Oh man oh man oh man. The Art Conservatories are OCSA's pride and joy. The application process is daunting, and many of the students stay at school until 8:30 at night, for rehearsals or something. And after that they need to go home and do their homework. They might as well set up a boarding school equivalent to OCSA, from what I see. That would be more convenient.

Despite all the inconveniences, I've always loved OCSA. Always always. But I'm pretty sure it's not the right school for me. Sorry, Oshhha! Maybe next time (haha just kidding).

And if you've read any of my earlier posts, you can tell that decision making is not one of my strongest suits. So deciding between the high schools is a pretty big decision for me. (Don't even make me think about deciding on colleges)

Pretty big loss. But I hope it's for the best. Tara signing off, morosely (hehe I love that word).


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